The Modern Protector: Skills Beyond Strength
Several weeks ago, through my website, Bodyguard Careers, I received an intriguing email from an individual interested in pursuing bodyguard training. In the opening lines of his message, he proudly stated his impressive physique: standing at 6'5", weighing 315 pounds, with the ability to bench press 400 pounds, and highlighting his background as a former football player. Clearly, he believed these physical attributes were his ticket into the world of executive protection. In response, I offered him a perspective that extends beyond physical prowess. Here's what I said:
'Brains Before Brawn: In the executive protection field, the emphasis has shifted towards prioritizing research and preparation over mere physical presence. Today's executive protection professionals are trained in essential skills, including defensive driving, emergency medical response, and maintaining physical fitness, which are paramount in identifying potential threats and devising effective contingency plans. Their expertise extends beyond the physical, focusing on meticulous preparation for events and adeptly countering threats, underscoring the evolved nature of modern security measures.'
In executive protection, the strategic, well-prepared mind often proves most valuable. While physical strength is undoubtedly an asset, it's your ability to anticipate, plan, and react intellectually to threats that will truly set you apart in this field.
This exchange underscored the evolving nature of the executive protection industry, where the ideal professional is as proficient in critical thinking and planning as they are in physical intervention. It serves as a reminder that, in modern security work, a well-rounded skill set is essential for success.
For those looking to enhance their career in executive protection, the following resources may be invaluable: